Since the Enterprise Portal uses Share Point to display its webparts and pages it is rather easy to have external documents page along with the Enterprise Portal (EP) content.
Before we start
Note that these documents are stored in the Share Point database but not in Ax. So this could be used to store documents externally and get all the benefits from the document management in Share Point, such as chek-out and check-in.
Enterprise Portal has as a standard document management for documents within Dynamics Ax so don't conduse those two togather.
Creating an external document library
The first thing we need to do is to create a new page in the EP and make sure that you use the type document library from the group Libraries
Select Document Library from the list
Create the document library with the desired settings and go on. When the page has been created copy the URL to use in menu item creation in Dynamics Ax.
Now we have created a document library in Share Point that we can use along with the EP content. To make access to the newly created document library easy one thing that we can do is to add the new page to the web modules in Dynamics Ax.
And we are done.
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