Somtimes we need to create a record context from a custom record but not based on a record from a data set. It is a bit tricky to create a menu item record context fram an IAxaptaRecordAdapter or a RecId.
Here is an example
AxUrlMenuItem menuItem = new AxUrlMenuItem("[NAME_URL_MENU_ITEM] ");
menuItem.MenuItemContext = context;
Here is an example
// Get the recid for which record the context should be fore
// where record is any record from any given table in Ax
Int64 recId = record.GetField("RecId”);
int tableId = TableMetadata.TableNum(this.AxSession, "[TABLENAME]");
// Create a dict table
Proxy.DictTable dictTable = new Proxy.DictTable(AxSession.AxaptaAdapter, tableId);
// Get the field id
int fieldId_RecId = TableDataFieldMetadata.FieldNum(this.AxSession,, "RecId");
// Create the table metadata
TableMetadata tblMetadata = MetadataCache.GetTableMetadata(AxSession, tableId);
// Create the dictinary object
Dictionary<int, object> dictRecId = new Dictionary<int, object>();
dictRecId.Add(fieldId_RecId, recId);
// Create the tablekey
AxTableDataKey tableKey = AxTableDataKey.Create(tblMetadata, dictRecId, null);
// Finally create the context and add it to tne menu item
AxTableContext context = AxTableContext.Create(tableKey);AxUrlMenuItem menuItem = new AxUrlMenuItem("[NAME_URL_MENU_ITEM] ");
menuItem.MenuItemContext = context;
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