I have worked in many projects involving the Enterprise Portal for Ax ranging from version 2.5. One of the biggest issue for the end customer/user has been the ability to have a plug-able authentication for EP. This has been an issue for example for customers that have other portals based on Share Point as well as custom build ASP.NET web sites. All these portals are able to share the authentication with Single Sign On, SSO. But until now with version 2012 of Ax this has not been possible since earlier versions of Ax have only supported Windows Authentication. So in scenarios where you implement an EP site for a customer that has other portals and uses for example forms authentication, if you are not running Ax 2012 you have to have a special/dedicated log-on to EP. One of the biggest advantages is the fact that now external users do not have to be in Active Directory mixed up with all the internal users or located in an extra AD repository with all the administrative IT work l...